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Workers at Cork and Sligo-based Call Centre Company Abtran Launch Ballot on Possible Industrial Action


Cork, Ireland, July 23, 2024 - Workers at outsourcing services provider Abtran have announced that they are to ballot for industrial action. The workers, represented by the Independent Workers’ Union (IWU), recently launched a pay claim against the company.

The pay claim called for a company wide pay increase to €15 per hour for all staff, as well as the return of 15 minutes "wellness breaks" and for "the company to stop their policy of bringing workers into disciplinaries when they take their statutory sick pay".

Workers are currently paid the minimum wage of €12.70. Wellness breaks were removed in January 2023.

The IWU has said that ballots are currently being sent to union members in Abtran’s Cork and Sligo sites, and a result is expected by 6 August.

Jamie Murphy, General Secretary of the IWU, delivered the initial pay claim to Abtran via email on 13 May. The same day, a senior HR manager at the company responded internally – CCing Murphy into the reply – saying "Please do not reply in any manner to this email or any other correpondences from the sender".

It is unclear if Murphy was included in the reply erroneously.

He then delivered the pay claim in person to Abtran’s Cork office.

Currently, the union represents about 10% of Abtran staff. However, Murphy says that due to their structure, this is still significant.

"Abtran are essentially min-maxing their staffing levels. They’ll have the minimum amount of staff on to maximise profits and productivity," he said.

Abtran’s contracts – a number of which come from the state – work on a service level agreement. This means that Abtran promises their client to provide a minimum level of service over a given period. For example, maintaining an average hold time of five minutes.

"Because of the nature of their agreements, a small number of workers engaged in a work stoppage can wield a lot of power," says Murphy.

Abtran’s contracts

Abtran employs around 1,600 staff between their Cork and Sligo offices, and those working remotely.

Cautiously optimistic

Alex Homits, one of the organisers working with Abtran staff, said that he is "cautiously optimistic" about the ballot.

"We’ve developed a strong core of union activists across those working in Cork, Sligo, and from home, and the balloting is a positive step. We’ve done lots of prep work, and there’s been a lot of cultural development as well among the staff."

"We’ve been careful to make everyone understand that this isn’t just about the pay claim, it’s about the interpersonal skills, the solidarity that makes them a stronger unit," he said.

The Journal have asked Abtran for comment on the pay claim and ballot, and whether or not they intend to enage with the union on the matters.

A spokesperson for Abtran said, “The IWU is an external organisation with which we are not engaged and which has no role in the collegiate and co-operative relationship that we have with our employees.

“Abtran is a responsible and caring employer with an overall commitment to investing in people, and with a positive and supportive environment for everyone throughout our organisation. It is our policy at all times to engage directly and collaboratively with all of our colleagues and we have clearly defined programmes in place which underpin this engagement.”


Posted by Veronica Silva Cusi, news correspondent
Source: https://www.thejournal.ie

Date Posted: Wednesday, July 24, 2024

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