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DBS Empowers its Customer Service Officers with Gen AI-powered Virtual Assistant


Singapore, July 18, 2024 - DBS will equip its 500-strong Customer Service Officer (CSO) workforce in Singapore with a Gen AI-powered virtual assistant before the end of 2024, enabling the bank to serve consumer and corporate customers who have queries each month more efficiently and effectively.

Dubbed "CSO Assistant", the Gen AI co-pilot was developed completely in-house by the bank’s AI engineers, integrating a Large Language Model tailored to local languages and parlance with voice telephony and speech recognition capabilities. CSO Assistant transcribes customer queries in real-time and does ‘live’ searches on the bank’s knowledge base to quickly retrieve query-specific information, enabling CSOs to deliver relevant solutions more speedily. CSO Assistant also helps with post-call documentation by providing instant call summaries and pre-filling service request fields.

Nimish Panchmatia, Chief Data and Transformation Officer, DBS, said, "We see Gen AI as a co-pilot to supercharge our employees, and our immediate focus has been on driving efficiency gains and quality improvement. CSO Assistant is a prime example of how we leverage Gen AI innovatively to remove toil in the way we work, which in turn enables our people to enhance customer journeys and deliver differentiated customer outcomes.In developing CSO Assistant, we took a measured approach by stress-testing it against our responsible data use frameworks, and iteratively enhancing it based on feedback received during the pilot."

Indumathi Kunasegaran, a Singaporean who leads a team of CSOs and helps train other CSOs in the bank, said, "CSO Assistant has helped remove repetitive tasks from our daily work. It has also freed up bandwidth for my team and I to engage our customers more deeply as we deliver solutions more intelligently and efficiently."

DBS is also progressively rolling out CSO Assistant to its other markets over the next 12 months, starting with Taiwan and Hong Kong.


Posted by Veronica Silva Cusi, news correspondent
Source: https://www.dbs.com

Date Posted: Friday, July 19, 2024

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