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NHS Blood and Transplant Plots Omni-channel Contact Centre


London, UK, July 8, 2024 - Health service body responsible for interacting with registered organ donors and individuals that regularly give blood is seeking to offer users a comprehensive range of contact options

NHS Blood and Transplant is planning to implement a new nationwide customer contact centre to enable citizens to interact with the organisation through a comprehensive range of channels.

The health service body has published a commercial notice outlining its intent to deploy a new "omnichannel national contact centre solution". The ultimate goal is to enable "existing and prospective donors [to engage] via their channel of their choice at a time of their choosing".

Following a formal procurement process – scheduled to launch around the end of this month – NHS Blood and Transplant (NHSBT) plans to sign a contract with a firm that can deliver a communications system incorporating a wide range of online, text and voice channels.

The procurement notice says: "We are looking for any potential provider to be able to demonstrate a strong record in delivering an integrated omni channel services including inbound and outbound calls, interactive messaging, social media, push messaging along with any experience of delivering effective channel deflection and digital solutions to meet the needs of a large and dedicated donor base, seamlessly facilitating the needs of existing and prospective whole blood, plasma, platelets and NHS organ donor register service users."


Posted by Veronica Silva Cusi, news correspondent
Source: https://www.publictechnology.net

Date Posted: Tuesday, July 9, 2024

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